Category: Unity3D
Migrating your project to Git LFS
For the past 4 years we have been using Git as our repository for our game War for the Overworld. This includes 18,000+ commits totaling to a massive a 35GB repo. Its huge. So huge that our host, BitBucket, falls apart if one tries to clone the repo anew. I don’t blame BitBucket for this…
Creating a cutout shader for doors and windows
For the game I’m currently working on is a 3D isometric management game where you build rooms on a spacestation. The rooms and spacestation are made up of a series of tilesets so the player can effectively paint out the rooms in any size and shape they wish and the wall tiles are snapped together and…
Why is Physics.UpdateBodies using up so much time? 20ms to 2ms
As part of performing some initial prototyping and load testing for our next game we had to determine how to implement the physics system. For our game we required a dynamic world and the ability to simulate 100-500 agents. That kind of target is right on the edge of needing to write a bespoke system so as…
Using Git with 3D Games
Git can work fine with 3D Games out of the box. However the main caveat here is that versioning large (>5MB) media files can be a problem over the long term as your commit history bloats. We have solved this potential issue in our projects by only versioning the binary asset when it is considered…